About Advanced Network Laboratory

The Internet has spread as an indispensable social infrastructure in people’s lives, and digital content distribution, such as Web page browsing and video viewing, accounts for more than 80% of all Internet traffic. As video content grows in volume due to higher definition and richer web pages, the volume of traffic is expected to increase, and there are concerns that network congestion will degrade communication quality and increase network construction and operation costs.

In addition, because the Internet can be accessed by anyone, cyber attacks such as unauthorized access, information leaks, and DDoS attacks that render certain websites unserviceable occur on a daily basis.

Furthermore, in recent years, IoT has been attracting attention as a means of making people’s lives easier by collecting and utilizing data measured by sensors and smartphones installed in various locations. As IoT becomes more widespread, it is expected that requirements such as delay quality and patterns of data generation and consumption will become more diverse.

Network control and network security technologies are becoming increasingly important to continue providing high-quality, stable, and low-cost network services in response to the growing volume and complexity of data generated and demanded, and to protect networks against cyber attacks.

In addition, for the sound development of information networks, it is important to have systems and regulations that allow individuals and small businesses with ideas for new technologies and services to freely offer their services without monopolizing the profits of specific businesses.

The Advanced Network Laboratory is engaged in research in five main areas: (1) network security, (2) network cache, (3) LEO satellite network, (4) quantum network, and (5) IoT / mobile crowd sensing (MCS).