- Ryo Nakamura and Noriaki Kamiyama, “Analysis of Similarity Caching on General Cache Networks,” IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp. 163338-163348, Nov. 2024
- Ryo Nakamura and Noriaki Kamiyama, “On the aggregation of FIBs at ICN routers using routing strategy,” accepted at Elsevier Computer Networks, Sep. 2024
- Kodai Honda, Ryo Nakamura, and Noriaki Kamiyama, “A Preliminary Study on the Impact of User’s Sociality on Content Caching of ICN, ” IEICE Communications Express, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 142-145, Feb. 2024
- Kodai Honda, Ryo Nakamura, and Noriaki Kamiyama, “Analyzing Effects of Social Media User’s Influence on Contents Caching in ICN,” IEEE Access, Vol. 11, pp. 127679-127688, Nov. 2023
- Cheng Zhang and Noriaki Kamiyama, “Budget Allocation for Incentivizing Mobile Users for Crowdsensing Platform,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E105.B, No. 11, pp. 1342-1352, Nov. 2022
- Feri Fahrianto and Noriaki Kamiyama, “Migrating from IP to NDN Using Dual-Channel Translation Gateway,” IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 70252-70268, Jul. 2022
- Ryo Nakamura and Noriaki Kamiyama, “Content Availability at Network Failure in Information-Centric Networking,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 18, Issue 3, pp. 3889-3899, Sep. 2021
- 北村 司, 上山 憲昭, 山本 幹, “嗜好の類似性を用いたキャッシュ制御”, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(B), Vol. J103-B, No. 8, pp. 284-291, 2020年8月
- Noriaki Kamiyama, “Virtual Machine Trading in Public Clouds,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 17, Issue 1, pp. 403-415, Mar. 2020
- Noriaki Kamiyama and Masayuki Murata, “Reproducing Popularity Distribution of YouTube Videos,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 16, Issue 3, pp.1100-1112, Sep. 2019
- Noriaki Kamiyama and Masayuki Murata, “Dispersing Content Over Networks in Information-Centric Networking,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp.521-534, June 2019
- Noriaki Kamiyama and Yutaro Hosokawa, “Optimally Designing Virtualized CDN,” IEICE Communications Express, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp.318-322, May 2019
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Keisuke Ishibashi, and Yoko Hoshiai, “Reachability Analysis of Multi-hop D2D Communications at Disaster,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E101-B, No.8, pp.1833-1844, Aug. 2018
- Yousuke Takahashi, Keisuke Ishibashi, Masayuki Tujino, Noriaki Kamiyama, Kohei Shiomoto, Tatsuya Otoshi, Yuichi Ohsita, and Masayuki Murata, “Separating Predictable and Unpredictable Flows via Dynamic Flow Mining for Effective Traffic Engineering,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E101-B, No.2, pp. 538-547, Feb. 2018 (Best Paper Award)
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Yuusuke Nakano, and Kohei Shiomoto, “Cache Replacement Based on Distance to Origin Servers,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 13, Issue 4, pp. 848-859, Dec. 2016
- 中野 雄介, 上山 憲昭, 塩本 公平, 長谷川 剛, 村田 正幸, 宮原 秀夫, “Webパフォーマンス測定プラットフォームの提案と評価,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌(B), Vol.J99-B, No.4, pp. 313-322, 2016年6月
- Noriaki Kamiyama, “Generating Desirable Network Topologies Using Multiagent System,” Elsevier Computer Communications, Vol.76, Issue C, pp.87-100, Feb. 2016
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Yousuke Takahashi, Keisuke Ishibashi, Kohei Shiomoto, Tatsuya Otoshi, Yuichi Ohsita, and Masayuki Murata, “Effective Flow Aggregation for Traffic Engineering,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E98-B, No.10, pp.2049-2059, Oct. 2015
- Noriaki Kamiyama, “Analyzing Impact of Introducing CCN on Profit of ISPs,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol.12, No.2, pp.176-187, June 2015
- Tatsuya Otoshi, Yuichi Ohsita, Masayuki Murata, Yousuke Takahashi, Noriaki Kamiyama, Keisuke Ishibashi, Kohei Shiomoto, and Tomoaki Hashimoto, “Traffic Engineering Based on Model Predictive Control,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E98-B, No.6, pp.996-1007, June 2015
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Ryoichi Kawahara, and Haruhisa Hasegawa, “Optimum Profit Allocation in Coalitional VoD Service,” Elsevier Computer Networks, Vol.57, Issue 15, pp.3081-3097, Oct. 2013
- Noriaki Kamiyama, “Designing Network Topology Using Data Envelopment Analysis,” Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Vol.56, No.3, pp.199-220, Sept. 2013
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Tatsuya Mori, Ryoichi Kawahara, and Shigeaki Harada, “Optimally identifying Worm-Infected Hosts,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E96-B, No.8, pp.2084-2094, Aug. 2013
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Ryoichi Kawahara, Tatsuya Mori, and Haruhisa Hasegawa, “Multicast Pre-distribution VoD System,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E96-B, No.6, pp.1459-1471, June 2013
- Ryoichi Kawahara, Tetsuya Takine, Tatsuya Mori, and Noriaki Kamiyama and Keisuke Ishibashi, “Mean-Variance Relationship of the Number of Flows in Traffic Aggregation and Its Application to Traffic Management,” Elsevier Computer Networks, Vol.57, Issue 6, pp.1560-1576, Apr. 2013
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Tatsuya Mori, Ryoichi Kawahara, and Haruhisa Hasegawa, “Optimally Designing ISP-Operated CDN,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E96-B, No.3, pp.790-801, Mar. 2013
- Yasuhiro Ikeda, Ryoichi Kawahara, Noriaki Kamiyama, Tatsuaki Kimura, and Tatsuya Mori, “Analyzing Characteristics of TCP Quality Metrics with Respect to Type of Connection through Measured Traffic Data,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E96-B, No.2, pp.533-542, Feb. 2013
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Tatsuya Mori, and Ryoichi Kawahara, “Autonomic Load Balancing of Flow Monitors,” Elsevier Computer Networks, Vol.57, Issue 3, pp.741-761, Feb. 2013
- Noriaki Kamiyama, “Designing Data Center Network by Analytic Hierarchy Process,” Elsevier Computer Networks, Vol.57, Issue 3, pp.658-667, Feb. 2013
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Ryoichi Kawahara, Tatsuya Mori, and Haruhisa Hasegawa, “Effect of Limiting Pre-Distribution and Clustering Users on Multicast Pre-distribution VoD,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E96-B, No.1, pp.143-154, Jan. 2013
- Noriaki Kamiyama, “Efficiently Constructing Candidate Set of Network Topologies,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E96-B, No.1, pp.163-172, Jan. 2013
- Naoya Maki, Takayuki Nishio, Ryoichi Shinkuma, Tatsuya Mori, Noriaki Kamiyama, Ryoichi Kawahara, and Tatsuro Takahashi, “Traffic Engineering of Peer-assisted Content Delivery Network with Content-oriented Incentive Mechanism,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E95-D, No.12, pp.2860-2869, Dec. 2012
- Ryoichi Kawahara, Tatsuya Mori, Takeshi Yada, and Noriaki Kamiyama, “Analyzing and Reducing the Impact of Traffic on Large-Scale NAT,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E95-B, No.9, pp.2815-2827, Sept. 2012
- Haruhisa Hasegawa, Noriaki Kamiyama, and Hideaki Yoshino, “Traffic Management Scheme to Control Content Distribution with Cloud-based Architecture,” Journal of Information Processing, Vol.20, No.3, pp.570-577, July 2012
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Tatsuya Mori, Ryoichi Kawahara, Shigeaki Harada, and Haruhisa Hasegawa, “Analyzing Influence of Network Topology on Designing ISP-operated CDN,” Springer Telecommunication Systems, Vol.52, No.2, pp.969-977, Sept. 2011
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Ryoichi Kawahara, Tatsuya Mori, Shigeaki Harada, and Haruhisa Hasegawa, “Parallel Video Streaming Optimizing Network Throughput,” Elsevier Computer Communications, Vol.34, No.10, pp.1182-1194, July 2011
- Nozomu Katayama, Takeshi Fujimura, Hiroyoshi Miwa, Noriaki Kamiyama, Haruhisa Hasegawa, and Hideaki Yoshino, “Network Design Methods for Minimizing Number of Links Added to a Network to Alleviate Performance Degradation Following a Link Failure,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E94-B, No.6, pp.1630-1639, June 2011
- Noriaki Kamiyama, “Efficient Network Modification to Improve QoS Stability at Failures,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol.8, No.2, pp.153-164, June 2011
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Ryoichi Kawahara, Tatsuya Mori, Shigeaki Harada, and Haruhisa Hasegawa, “Optimally Designing Caches to Reduce P2P Traffic,” Elsevier Computer Communications, Vol.34, No.7, pp.883-897, Mar. 2011
- Ryoichi Kawahara, Keisuke Ishibashi, Tatsuya Mori, Noriaki Kamiyama, Shigeaki Harada, Haruhisa Hasegawa, and Shoichiro Asano, “Detection Accuracy of Network Anomalies using Sampled Flow Statistics,” International Journal of Network Management, Vol.21, No.6, pp.513-535, Mar. 2011
- 上山 憲昭, 川原 亮一, 長谷川 治久, “ネットワークトポロジーがコンテンツ並列配信の効果に与える影響の分析,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌(B), Vol.J92-B, No.11, pp.1764-1777, 2009年11月
- Ryoichi Kawahara, Tatsuya Mori, Keisuke Ishibashi, Noriaki Kamiyama, and Hideaki Yoshino, “Packet Sampling TCP Flow Rate Estimation and Performance Degradation Detection Method,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E91-B, No.5, pp.1309-1319, May 2008
- Noriaki Kamiyama, “A Large-Scale AWG-based Single-Hop WDM Network Using Couplers with Collision Avoidance,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.23, No.7, pp.2194-2205, July 2005
- Noriaki Kamiyama, “Comparison of All-Optical Architectures for Backbone Networks,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E87-B, No.10, pp.2877-2885, Oct. 2004
- Noriaki Kamiyama, “Fiber Path WDM Optical Network with Minimum Cost,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E87-B, No.9, pp.2648-2658, Sept. 2004
- Noriaki Kamiyama, “A Server Selection Method in Content Delivery Networks,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E86-B, No.6, pp.1796-1804, Jun. 2003
- Noriaki Kamiyama, “Broadcast Scheduling for Large Contents Distribution,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E84-B, No.4, pp.1053-1061, Apr. 2001
- 上山 憲昭, “IP網の資源割当サービスを対象とした公平性を満足する課金方式,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌(B), Vol.J83-B, No.7, pp.999-1011, 2000年7月
- Noriaki Kamiyama, Miki Yamamoto, and Hiromasa Ikeda, “Message Forwarding Delay Analysis for Error Control of Data Transmission on ATM Network,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E79-B, No.2, pp.163-172, Feb. 1996
- 上山 憲昭, 戸出 英樹, 山本 幹, 岡田 博美, “ATM網におけるQ-STM方式の適用に関する定量的評価,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌(B-I), Vol.J78-B-I, No.9, pp.389-398, 1995年9月
- 上山 憲昭, 太田 能, 戸出 英樹, 山本 幹, 岡田 博美, “ATM網をベースにした仮想STM伝送方式,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌(B-I), Vol.J77-B-I, No.5, pp.353-365, 1994年5月